Attendance and public questions at Council meetings

Any member of the public can attend Council meetings.

Someone who has done exactly that is Midway resident Dr Pauline Jas, who’s seen Full Council in action.

The University of Nottingham lecturer says:

“I would encourage people to go and see democracy in action, to witness it live. It is very interesting.

“You get to see the debate between different parties and councillors, and where there is general agreement or disagreement on key issues and approaches.

“What comes across most of all is how everyone wants to do the best for South Derbyshire.”

Why not give it a go yourself?

You can attend Full Council meetings, committee meetings or our Area Forums – find the dates in our online calendar.

With notice you can ask a question at most of them too –with the exception of our Planning Committee, Standards Committee or Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee.

If you want to ask a question, please let us know no later than noon, two days before the date of the meeting.

You can submit a maximum of two questions per meeting.

This can be done by emailing

Alternatively, you can write to the Chief Executive, c/o Legal & Democratic Services at the Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0AH.

Once a question is received, it will be entered into a book open to public inspection and sent to the relevant Elected Member.  Further information on submitting a question can be found in the ‘Council Procedure Rules’ section of our constitution.