Open data and transparency
As an organisation we understand the importance of being open and transparent about the decisions we take and how and where money is spent. Transparency improves local accountability and it makes it easier for people to challenge and shape their public services.
The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 sets out key principles local authorities must follow to ensure they publish information in a way that is helpful and relevant. We have used this as a starting point, but where possible we will go the extra mile to provide additional information.
Visit our contracts and tenders page for more information on our approach to procurement and the processes we have in place.
Quarterly information:
- Payments over £250 2024 - 25 to February 2025 (xlsx, 374kb)
- Payments over £250 2023-24 (xlsx, 299kb)
- Payments over £250 2022-23 (xlsx, 365kb)
- Payments over £250 2021-22 (xlsx, 269kb)
- Payments over £250 2020-21 (xlsx, 217kb)
- procurement information (this is currently under review)
- Procurement card spending 2024-2025 - to January 2025 (xlsx, 28kb)
- Procurement card spending 2023-24 (xlsx, 92kb)
- Procurement card spending 2022-23 (xlsx, 239kb)
- Procurement card spending 2021-22 (xlsx, 117kb)
- Procurement card spending 2021-22 (xlsx, 104kb)
Annual information:
- local authority land (xlsx, 54kb)
- social housing assets (xlsx, 16kb)
- grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (xlsx, 98kb)
organisation chart - trade union facility time (docx, 95kb)
- parking account (pdf, 116kb)
- parking spaces
- senior salaries (pdf, 1.2mb) (see page 86)
- waste collection contract (pdf, 66kb)
pay multiple (see page 10)- constitution
- fraud (pdf, 67kb)
Additional information:
- Complaints schedule - 2022-2023 - 2nd 6 months (doc, 282kb)
- FOI Schedule - 2022-2023 - 2nd 6 months (docx, 80kb)
- Breakdown of FOI requests 2nd half year 2022-23 (xls, 42kb)
- Cyber Security Publication Scheme (docx, 27kb)