Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions cover www.southderbyshire.gov.uk. When you use this website, you are agreeing to accept these terms and conditions. We may change this information without notice, so you should revisit this page from time to time.

Terms of use

The information featured on this website is the copyright of South Derbyshire District Council unless otherwise indicated.

You may re-use the information on this website free of charge in any format. Re-use includes copying, issuing copies to the public, publishing, broadcasting and translating into other languages. It also covers non-commercial research and study. Re-use is subject to the following conditions.

You must:

  • acknowledge the source and our copyright in cases where you supply the information to others;
  • reproduce the information accurately;
  • not use the information in a misleading way;
  • not use the information for the principal purpose of advertising or promoting a particular product or service.

You may establish links to this website.

Mapping copyright

Ordnance Survey provides mapping on this site under licence to South Derbyshire District Council. Mapping is provided only for the purpose of making information available in the public domain.

Anyone wishing to use the mapping information held on this site for their own use must make their own separate arrangements with Ordnance Survey. Any unauthorised use will infringe Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 


Every care has been taken in the compilation of the information contained on this website.

However, we will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of inaccuracy or error within these pages.

If you think there are any mistakes or out-of-date information on the site or incorrect personal data, let us know by completing our website feedback form.

We accept no responsibility for any damage to, or viruses that may infect, computer equipment, data or other property on account of a user’s access to the site or the downloading of any material from the site.

We do not endorse any externally linked sites and are not responsible for their content.

Whilst we may provide details of events run by other organisations, it does not accept any liability for those events or for losses of any kind caused as a result of information relating to, or attendance at, those events.