
We have 36 Councillors who make decisions on how to provide local services on behalf of local people. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.

Councillors can:

  • help make decisions about our services and policies
  • put forward proposals to improve the ward they represent
  • assist if you are dissatisfied with a service by directing you to someone who can help or progressing the case on your behalf

Contact your Councillor

You can search for your Councillor by postcode or ward or view all Councillors by name. Some Councillors also hold face to face meetings or surgeries to allow people to discuss issues in their ward.

Councillor allowances

Councillors are not paid a salary for their work, but they do receive allowances and are paid expenses. These are set by an Independent Remuneration Panel. Authorities are required to annually publish the total amount of allowances and expenses paid to Councillors.

Complain about a Councillor

All Councillors sign up to a Members’ Code of Conduct outlining the principles they should adopt in public life and how the Code applies to them.

Complaints about Councillors, District or Parish, should be submitted in writing to the Council’s Monitoring Officer.

If you wish to submit a complaint, complete a complaint form (doc, 106kb) together with any relevant evidence and return for the attention of the Monitoring Officer.

The procedure for determination of complaints is attached to the complaint form. For further information, contact the Monitoring Officer directly.