

By working with others and supporting the voluntary sector, South Derbyshire continues to achieve more with less. Partners with whom we work include (updated 27.02.2024):

  • Active Nation - Active Nation manages the Green Bank Leisure Centre in Swadlincote and Etwall Leisure Centre in partnership with the Council until 31st March 2024.
  • Citizens Advice - We help to fund Citizens Advice so that it can continue providing vital support and advice on issues such as employment and debt.
  • Derbyshire County Council - Both organisations join forces on a wide range of projects, including driving down waste, tackling inequality and improving community infrastructure.
  • Active Derbyshire - Our joint aim, in conjunction with Active South Derbyshire, is to increase the number of people taking part in sport and physical activity.
  • Healthier South Derbyshire - All you need to know about health and wellbeing in South Derbyshire. You can also find details of activities to enjoy in our Things to do and places to visit section.Safer South Derbyshire Partnership Statutory Partnership with an aim of preventing and reducing Crime and Anti-Social behaviour. Partners include, Police, Fire, District and County Council, Probation and CVS.
  • South Derbyshire CVS - South Derbyshire CVS chairs the Strategic Volunteering Partnership to support all forms of volunteering in South Derbyshire.
  • The National Forest Company - The National Forest Company is a co-sponsor with Rolls-Royce of the Environmental Education Project, which works to develop knowledge, respect and understanding of the environment. It also supports events, forest creation and walking schemes.
  • South Derbyshire Partnership - The South Derbyshire Partnership brings together organisations from the public, private and voluntary sector to deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy, which aims to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of South
  • Derbyshire Economic Partnership - The Derbyshire Economic Partnership brings together public, private and third sectors to co-ordinate economic development and regeneration activities across Derbyshire. Its aim is to improve the prosperity and overall environment for businesses, communities, individuals and visitors to the county.
  • The Forestry Commission - We jointly own Rosliston Forestry Centre in partnership with The Forestry Commission.
  • Toyota City – South Derbyshire, together with Derby city and the county of Derbyshire, have an international relationship with Toyota City in Japan, which was established following the development of the car plant at Burnaston.
  • D2N2 - the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, and Nottinghamshire to invest in projects that benefit the local area and economy, supporting greater numbers of jobs, homes, and learners.

Other partnerships we work in conjunction with include:

  • Active Schools Partnership
  • Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) Partnerships in Etwall, Melbourne
  • and at Pingle School
  • Built Environment Group
  • Derby City Council Counter-Fraud Partnership
  • Derby Housing Market Area (HMA) Joint Advisory Board. Strategy Group, and Officer Coordination Group
  • Derbyshire Air Quality Group
  • Derbyshire Constabulary
  • Derbyshire Electoral Officers Group
  • Derbyshire Emergency Planning
  •  Fire Safety Partnership Group with Derbyshire Fire and  Rescue
  • Derbyshire Housing Officer Group
  • Derbyshire Highways
  • Derbyshire Licensing Group
  • Derbyshire Monitoring Officer Group
  • Derbyshire Parking Board
  • Derbyshire PPC Election Group
  • Derbyshire Sustainable Travel Group
  • Derbyshire Trading Standards
  • Derbyshire Waste Partnership Board
  • Direct Help and Advice Partnership
  • East Midlands Fraud Group
  • East Midlands Intermodal Park
  • Electoral Commission Communications Working Group
  • Etwall Joint Management Committee
  • Homes Fit for the Future
  • Local Authority Energy Area Partnership (LAEP)
  • Local Veterinary Surgeons
  • Melbourne Sporting Partnership
  • Primary Authority Partnerships (PAP)
  • Pubwatch
  • Police Tasking Partnership
  • Refernet (Operated by CAB)
  • Registered Provider Liaison Group
  • Remedi Mediation Service
  • South Derby Growth Zone
  • South Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Partnership
  • Swad in Bloom
  • Tenants Voice Group
  • The Conservation Volunteers
  • NHS