How to become a Councillor

Who can become a Councillor?

As a Councillor, you will be responsible for representing your community and making decisions about the services provided.

Most candidates are nominated through a political party. However, individuals are welcome to stand as independent candidates.

Candidates must:

  • be over 18
  • be on the electoral register
  • have lived, worked or owned property in the area for at least the past 12 months

No previous experience is required.

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What evidence is required?

To stand as a candidate in a Parish Council election, two electors, a proposer and a seconder will need to sign the nomination paper.

To stand as a candidate in a County or District Council election, a proposer and a seconder as well as 10 electors need to sign the nomination paper.

Everyone signing nomination papers must be on the Register of Electors for the area in which the election is to be held (County electoral division or District ward) and also provide their electoral number.

District Council elections are held every four years and are normally combined with Parish Council elections. The last District/Parish elections were in May 2015.

County Council elections are held every four years. The last County Council election was in 2017.

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How do I apply?

The nomination forms required are available from the Elections office. You can request the forms by emailing

This page only provides an introductory guide. You should consult the latest guidance for Local Government candidates issued by the Electoral Commission and read the contents of the nomination pack to obtain greater detail.

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