Our District

South Derbyshire is a thriving, attractive place to live, work and visit.

It has been transformed during the past few decades from a clay and mining area to a successful District that serves as home to more than 107,200 people.

It contains a third of The National Forest which, together with other attractions including Calke Abbey, Mercia Marina, Rosliston Forestry Centre and Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, attract more than two million visitors each year.

South Derbyshire offers a mixture of well-developed urban areas and historic rural settlements.

Its natural features combine with historic sites and modern community and leisure facilities to provide places and activities for residents and visitors alike to enjoy in their spare time.

South Derbyshire boasts 3,500 business enterprises, among them international names JCB, Nestle and Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK. The wide range of employment opportunities means unemployment is very low in the District.

Working with our partners to keep crime and anti-social behaviour to a minimum has cemented South Derbyshire’s reputation as one of the safest places to live in the county.

There are lots of things to do and places to visit for those who live and work in the District and for those who choose to visit.

Map of South Derbyshire