
South Derbyshire and The National Forest provide an ideal environment for cycling.

Sites where you can indulge in a passion, or put your pedal power to the test, include Rosliston Forestry Centre, which offers senior cycling from 10am on Fridays. More details can be found in our events and activities. There’s also plenty on offer at Hicks Lodge and Conkers, both just over the border in North West Leicestershire.

Get Active in The Forest runs Bikeability courses, designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on the roads.

There are several published cycling routes within South Derbyshire that are suited to all of the family, as well as experienced cyclists:

More routes, as well as a wide variety of cycling information and advice, are available from Cycle Derbyshire and Sustrans.

We want to make sure South Derbyshire provides an environment to enable people of all ages to cycle regularly for leisure, active travel, commuting or sport. The South Derbyshire Cycle Action Plan 2016 - 2021 (pdf, 637kb) sets out our vision.

Further walking and cycling trails along with an interactive map can be found on the Visit South Derbyshire website.

Senior cycling at Rosliston Forestry Centre
Senior cycling at Rosliston Forestry Centre