Active young people

School holidays

Our Play, Sports and Adventure Mobiles travel across the District to provide games and activities galore at a host of community venues. 

Please note that all of these activities are open public sessions in open public spaces and run on a drop in and out basis, meaning young people are free to come and go as they please. The staff working at these sessions are there to supervise young people when they are using our equipment only. We therefore recommend that parents or guardians remain at sessions and supervise their children at all times. 

The Summer Activities leaflet for 2024 can be downloaded HERE. (pdf, 10.5mb)

Hard copies of this leaflet will be distributed to all South Derbyshire Primary and Junior Schools during the summer term. From the 24th June 2024 they can also be collected at local libraries, leisure facilities, the Tourist Information Centre and the Civic Offices.

NEW FOR 2024 – Register now with our brand new online consent form to help speed up the sign in process at the sessions you attend this summer! Active South Derbyshire Privacy Notices and Insurance Form - mySouthDerbyshire (

For any further information on these activities please contact the Active Communities & Health Team on or 01283 595873