
Litter in a public place is unsightly, dangerous to animals and an offence.

Fines for littering start at £150 and can be up to £2,000

Litter ranges from a single sweet wrapper to a bag full of rubbish. The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 states that if a person drops, throws, deposits, or leaves anything that causes defacement in a public place, they are committing a littering offence. So always try to use a litter bin or take it home.

You should tell us if you see someone littering or dumping waste so we can investigate. Provide as much information as possible, such as what happened, where it happened, a description of the person dropping the litter and their vehicle, if applicable. Do not confront the person yourself.

Report litter or dumped waste
There are 450 litter bins in South Derbyshire. Each bin is emptied once a week and can be used for bagged dog waste and litter.

Request a dog bin or litter bin to be emptied
Using the 2014 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act we have created a Public Space Protection Order, which makes the registered driver of a road vehicle legally responsible for any items of litter which are thrown from the vehicle.

Be a South Derbyshire Litter Hero

If you want to help improve your local area, you can do this by becoming a South Derbyshire Litter Hero and organising a litter pick in your local area.

To do this, you will need to carry out a risk assessment in advance and ensure protective measures such as hi-vis clothing are worn. More information is available in our South Derbyshire Volunteer Litter Heros guidance (pdf, 239kb).

Download the volunteer registration form (pdf, 133kb), risk assessment form (pdf, 260kb), health and safety guidance (pdf, 222kb)and event report (pdf, 220kb).

The Council has litter pickers and hi-vis clothing available to borrow. Please contact if you would like to loan and use this equipment.