Pre-application advice service

What the service includes…

The service includes a review of the information submitted, with reference to site constraints, and current adopted national and local policy. A planning officer may also be able to contact relevant consultees, particularly those within South Derbyshire District Council. The ‘Table of Information and Fees’ sets out the level of service according to the proposal and the applicant’s needs. A meeting with a planning officer can be included for additional cost.

What the service doesn’t include…

The service cannot provide consultation responses from stakeholders who already provide their own chargeable pre application service such as the County Highway Authority. The service cannot guarantee the granting or refusal of planning permission, as it will be an officer opinion based on the information submitted, at that point in time and sometimes without the benefit of a site visit.

Derbyshire County Council Highway Authority offer their own pre-application advice service details for which can be found here: How to make a pre-planning enquiry - Derbyshire County Council

Where can I find free advice?

You may not always need to submit a pre-application enquiry to get an answer your query. There are other external sources where you can gather information on the need for planning permission…

Householder technical guidance Permitted development rights for householders: technical guidance - GOV.UK

Planning portal – interactive house Interactive House – Planning Portal

Local Plan policy Adopted Local Plan | South Derbyshire District Council

Design Guide SPD Supplementary Planning Documents | South Derbyshire District Council

Trees and Hedgerows Trees and hedgerows | South Derbyshire District Council

Historic England – Planning Advice Planning Advice | Historic England

National Farmers’ Union - NFU Introduction to Planning Business Guide – NFUonline

Other links which may be relevant:

iShare GIS -

Biodiversity Net Gain Biodiversity Net Gain | South Derbyshire District Council

Developer Contributions SPD Supplementary Planning Documents | South Derbyshire District Council

Outdoor advertisements and signs

Other consultees websites:

Environment Agency - GOV.UK

River Mease Partnership

The National Forest | UK Environmental Charity


It is important for householders and businesses to find out if you need planning permission before you make improvements or changes to a property.


We offer planning and building regulations guidance for many common building work projects. You can also check other important matters you should think about before starting work.

Restricted Permitted Development rights

In some cases we may have restricted or removed Permitted Development rights for a particular area, building or piece of land. This is normally done to protect the character of the area.  If the restrictions are for a particular building, they will be shown on the original planning permission for the property as a condition. If the restrictions are for an area, they will be in the form of an Article 4 Direction.
Enquiries relating to whether you need permission for the creation or alteration of an access (‘dropped kerb’ enquiries) will not generally be dealt with. For this we have a Standing Advice Note. (pdf, 162kb)


The construction of new buildings nearly always needs planning permission, although some warehouse and industrial buildings and alterations are classed as 'permitted development'.

Planning permission is often not needed if you want to work from home. If you are a Council tenant, see our Running a business from your Council home page.

A wide range of advice is also available on common building work projects.