Planning decisions

Development management is the process of reviewing planning applications submitted by development companies, homeowners or businesses.

Decisions about applications are normally made in accordance with our Local Plan and Government Planning Policy. If an application is successful, planning permission is granted and the development can go ahead. Decisions can be made contrary to the Local Plan if material considerations indicate otherwise.

Planning officers make about 90 per cent of decisions, with powers delegated to them. Controversial or larger developments are dealt with by our Planning Committee, which consists of Councillors.

Planning Committee

Our Planning Committee considers applications in relation to planning policy, any representations received from members of the public, consultation responses and the recommendations of the planning officer. Information about the Planning Committee members and dates of meetings (and agendas and minutes) can be found here.

Speaking at a planning committee meeting

Anyone wishing to speak at the committee may be able to do so, subject to procedures set out. Only those members of the public who have submitted a written representation will be allowed to speak.

When people speak about an application, their comments are considered in the light of planning policy along with other relevant information, including any written representations.

Two people can speak on an application. One person is allowed to speak on behalf of any objectors and one person may speak in support of the application.

Full details are in our speaking at planning committee leaflet (pdf, 300kb)

Planning appeals

The appeal process provides the opportunity for applicants to argue against a Council planning decision, usually when permission has been refused. You can download appeal planning application forms from the Planning Inspectorate.

There are no third-party rights of appeal. If you have objected to a planning application and it is approved by us, you cannot appeal against that decision.

The Planning Inspectorate deals with planning appeals for England and Wales

You can also view all current and past appeal cases in South Derbyshire.