Mutual exchange

Tenants of either a Council or registered social landlord (housing association) have a right to exchange properties, providing the landlords agree.

We are partnered with HomeSwapper, the largest mutual exchange service in the country. This service is free to South Derbyshire District Council tenants

You can search for homes without registering. Search results include maps to help you see where the properties are. If you do register with Homeswapper, they will automatically search every night for potential new swaps that meet your requirements and notify you by email weekly or text message fortnightly.

If you find someone whose home you would like and they would like yours, you should ask your landlords to approve the exchange. It is very important that you do not move until you have your landlord's approval in writing and you have signed the assignment documents.

If your request is refused, you have the right to appeal against the decision. You must write to us within 21 days of receiving the decision letter. A senior officer who was not involved in the original decision will review your case and you will be notified in writing of the result of the review.