Apply for a garage

Anyone can apply to rent a Council garage or garage plot, but we give priority to Council tenants.

You will not be offered a garage or garage plot if you have rent arrears

The Council are currently undertaking a review of garages and the waiting list, which will continue into 2025. We are therefore not accepting any new applications for garages or garage plots. We hope to be able to provide an update by Summer 2025

Garages cost £9.67 + £1.93 vat for non-council dwelling tenants

Chatsworth Road garages cost £11.29 + £2.26 vat for non-council dwelling tenants.            

Garage Plots cost 1.25 + £0.25 vat for non-council dwelling tenants.

A small caveat to these prices are the garages at Chatsworth Road they are: SDDC tenants are charged at £10.85 per week. Non SDDC tenants have the VAT included which makes it £13.02 per week

All Council-owned garages are to be used for the sole purpose of parking your vehicle and not as a storage facility.

We require 28 days’ notice, in writing, if you want to give up your garage. When you give us back the keys the garage should be empty and swept through. We will charge you if we have to clear it.


Where garage rent arrears rise to an unacceptable level or an account is in arrears for too long, we may decide to repossess the garage.

Unlike houses and flats, we do not have to apply to courts for a Possession Order.

We have a duty to recover all rent owed to us to fund the services we provide. The Government also sets us limits on outstanding rent.


For garage enquiries, please email: