Raising aspirations (RISE)

Rise is a new partnership initiative managed by ourselves and Derbyshire County Council’s Public Health team.

It has been designed to build confidence and aspiration in young people to help make sure they flourish and fully achieve what they are capable of.

The work also looks at the wider community and is focussing in particular on the District’s most deprived areas.

It is concentrating on five key activities:

  1. Encouraging  young people to believe in themselves and their ability to influence  their own future
  2. Working with parents and carers to stress the value of education and a life fully lived for their children
  3. Working with our partners to promote volunteering and an exchange of skills within the community
  4. Promoting a sense of pride in the urban environment
  5. Highlighting positive stories and reinforcing common themes that connect generations

Anyone who would like to contribute any ideas, suggestions or volunteer their services to Rise is asked to contact us for an informal chat.