Burial fees

We provide cemeteries at Aston-on-Trent, Church Gresley, Etwall, Findern, Marston-on-Dove and Newhall.

All fees for Grant of Right and burials are treble for non-residents of South Derbyshire

All payments not being covered by your funeral director can be made in cash or by credit/debit card at our offices or by telephoning 01283 595782. 


For cremation fees please contact the relevant crematorium direct. 

Bretby Crematorium on 01283 221505.

Trent Valley Crematorium on 01332 321064.

Further information

Any additional information can be obtained on application to the cemetery office at the address below during normal office hours.

South Derbyshire District Council 
Civic Offices 
Civic Way 
DE11 0AH 

Opening times: 

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 8.45am and 5pm 
Wednesday between 9.30am and 5pm 
Friday between 8.45am and 4.30pm