About the Council

We have more than 340 employees working to ensure South Derbyshire District Council continues to work shape our environment, drive our economy and support our communities. 

Services for the District are divided between Derbyshire County Council and ourselves. Through the values in our Council Plan 2024 - 2028 (pdf, 185kb), we aim to provide them as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Our constitution sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure we are efficient, transparent and accountable.

To show that our business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, we produce an Annual Governance Statement.

You can read the signed Annual Governance Statement for 2020 (pdf, 467kb) and also the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2021 (pdf, 473kb),

You can also find out more about how we use public money in our financial information section.

How we work

Our Leadership Team (LT), made up of paid officers, works closely with elected Councillors to deliver our vision and values.

The LT is headed up by our Chief Executive, Dr. Justin Ives.

The team is completed by four Executive Directors that inlcude the statutory Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer.

If you are interested in serving the people of South Derbyshire you will find more information in our jobs section.