Temporary road closures (for events)

A Temporary Road Closure Order is needed for any event which may stop the flow of traffic on the public highway within South Derbyshire District, for example, Fetes, Street parties, Parades, galas. The orders are made by South Derbyshire District following consultation with Derbyshire County Council and the relevant emergency services including the Police.

Your road closure application should be submitted to the Chairs Office at least 8 weeks before the start of the event, this will allow us time to process your application and carry out our internal consultation. Failure to do so could result in the council refusing your application.

Please provide a map or sketch showing the road(s) to be closed, details of the diversion route and the location of the road closed boards and diversion signs. Your application will not be considered without a map and will be returned to you until one can be provided.

The application form can be accessed here (pdf, 139kb) or a word version can be requested by contacting the Chairs Office.

Completed applications should be returned by email to the Chair's Office: chairsoffice@southderbyshire.gov.uk  or posted to: The Chair’s Office, South Derbyshire District Council, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 0AH.