Dog and animal fouling

Environment Local surveys tell us that dog fouling is the issue that most annoys residents of South Derbyshire about their environment. It can get onto shoes and clothes and at worst can lead to blindness.

It is every dog owner’s duty to clean up after their dog - there are no excuses, fouling is unacceptable

One of our Public Space Protection Orders makes it illegal for an owner not to pick up after their dog in all public open land in South Derbyshire.

Our Community Safety Enforcement Officers investigate all complaints about dog fouling and act on any information we are given about possible offenders. We have the power to issue £75 penalty notices.

We think that working with dog owners to make sure they always pick up makes a big difference. That’s why we promote the Green Dog Walkers Pledge.


  • If you have a garden encourage the dog to 'go' there. You can then bury the mess or bag it and bin it.
  • If you walk your dog you should always carry the means to clear up after your dog. A simple plastic bag will do the trick or obtain poop scoops from a local pet shop. Remember to take a bag or poop scoop like you'd remember a lead. 
  • Every time your dog fouls 'bag it and bin it'. Take the poop scoop home and dispose of it there. Remember, rain does not wash the problem away. 
  • Never let your dog out alone to 'go to the loo.'

Report dog fouling