Street naming and numbering

We are currently receiving a high number of planning applications which is resulting in delays to our usual response times. We are determining applications and responding to enquiries in the order they are received. We will respond as soon as possible.

It is our responsibility to issue official addresses for all residential and business premises within South Derbyshire. All new addresses are allocated in line with our street naming and numbering guidance.  A list of our fees is available here (pdf, 51kb).

Naming your house

If a property is already numbered, a property owner can name their property without contacting us, provided it does not conflict with an existing property name in the same area.  

The property name in this case will not officially form part of the property address and the property number must still be displayed and referred to in any correspondence.

You only need to seek permission if there is no number in the official address

Name change

For addresses where no number is allocated, the allocated name is part of the official address. In this instance property owners wishing to change the property name need to apply (pdf, 270kb) to us.

Single property/small development

If you are a developer of a new property (single or small development), you should contact us as soon as you start work on site.

An application (pdf, 262kb) for a new property address should be made in writing.

Large estate development

If you are a developer of a large estate, you should contact us as soon as you start work on site.

Where appropriate, you will be asked to provide new street nameplates to our standard design, details of which can be found in our SNN guidance notes.