Past consultations on the Local Plan Part 1

Pre-submission Local Plan Part 1

We are currently receiving a high number of planning applications which is resulting in delays to our usual response times. We are determining applications and responding to enquiries in the order they are received. We will respond as soon as possible.

Between March 10 and April 22, 2014, we consulted on our Pre-Submission version of the Local Plan Part 1 and accompanying supporting documents.

The Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1 contained the following:

  • The vision and objectives for the District up to 2028
  • The amount of housing and employment development required within the District up to 2028
  • Proposed housing and employment allocations over the plan period
  • Development management policies (policies used in the determination of planning applications).

The accompanying supporting documents consulted upon were:

  • The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) - this document assessed the environmental, economic and social impact that the Local Plan as a whole will have on the District.
  • The Consultation Statement - this outlines previous consultations, together with how we consulted, and presents a summary of the main issues raised.
  • The Infrastructure Delivery Plan - this outlines the infrastructure that is required across the District and identifies likely funding streams to implement it.

Representations made at this stage were in regards to soundness or legal and procedural compliance, including whether the plan is in conformity with the Duty to Co-operate. The responses to the consultation are available here.