Local Plan Part 2 evidence base

Evidence base documents considered in producing the Local Plan Part 2 include:

Settlement Boundary Topic Paper: reviews and updates the existing settlement boundaries from the 1998 Local Plan and establishes a new settlement boundary.

Local Green Spaces Topic Paper: the allocation of Local Green Spaces (LGS) is a way of providing special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities. We have previously consulted on proposed LGS through the Draft Local Plan Part 2. However, due to the level of interest and consequent further work required, it has been decided to establish the principle of LGS in the Local Plan Part 2, but to designate the areas within a separate development plan document.

Advice note - Housing development in and around rural settlements: considers how we might assess the scale of development likely to be acceptable across our different settlements. It takes account of local and national policy as well as case studies and appeal decisions.

Swadlincote Town Centre Retail and Leisure Study: assesses the needs and capacity of Swadlincote Town Centre and makes recommendations to support its future vitality and viability.

Consultation Statement: outlines the consultations undertaken during the production of the Local Plan Part 2, together with how we consulted and a summary of the main issues raised. 

Sustainability Appraisal (SA): assessed the environmental, economic and social impacts of the Plan.

Local Plan Part 2 Duty to Co-operate Statement: provides a summary of the actions taken under Duty to Co-operate in producing the Local Plan Part 2. 

Local Plan Part 2 Habitats Regulations Screening: document details the Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Local Plan Part 2. 

Legal Compliance Checklist and Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist: two documents were submitted as evidence for the Local Plan Part 2 examination to demonstrate how the Local Plan Part 2 was legally compliant and sound.

Also see our District-wide evidence, which includes documents used in the production of the Local Plan Part 2.