Local Green Spaces - Options Consultation
Local Green Spaces are areas of land that are of true value to the local community.
The process of identifying potential Local Green Spaces within South Derbyshire began through the Local Plan Part 2, with sites put forward by members of the public in both the initial options consultation in December 2015 and the Draft Local Plan Part 2 in June 2016.
Whilst there was clearly support for Local Green Spaces, insufficient evidence as to why the spaces are special and significant was provided. This was needed to enable the spaces to be included in the Local Plan Part 2.
Therefore, one of the main aims of this consultation was to enable local communities to provide that evidence in support of designating areas of Local Green Space that are particularly important to them. The designations will be taken forward through a separate Local Green Spaces Development Plan Document.
The consultation, which included a series of drop in events, began on Monday, June 12 and closed at 5pm on Monday, August 7, 2017.
The Local Green Spaces Options document consulted upon is available below. Also available for reference are the two previous Local Green Spaces appendices to the Local Plan Part 2 consultations.
- Local Green Spaces Options Consultation (pdf, 6.5mb)
- Local Green Spaces Topic Paper June 2016 (pdf, 2.6mb)
- Local Green Spaces Topic Paper December 2015 (pdf, 4.8mb)
A summary of the consultation responses received can be found here.