SHELAA methodology consultation

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SHELAA Methodology

As part of the Local Plan review process South Derbyshire District Council is carrying out a Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).

Following on from the Draft SHELAA Methodology Consultation in early 2020, amendments to the SHELAA methodology have now been made taking consultation responses into account. The ‘Consultation Statement SHELAA Methodology’, can be downloaded from this webpage which sets out how comments from the consultation were considered. The final ‘SHELAA Methodology’ can now also be downloaded from this webpage.

A SHELAA seeks to identify potential land for housing (including Gypsy and Traveller sites and affordable housing) and economic uses. The SHELAA is an important source of evidence to inform plan-making, and it is the role of the SHELAA to provide information on the range of sites which are potentially available to be developed. The SHELAA is an evidence document only and does not in itself allocate land for any specific purposes; allocations will be determined through the Local Plan.

Sites which have been submitted through the ‘Call for Sites’ are in the process of being assessed using the final SHELAA methodology.