Past policy consultations

Private Hire Licensing Policy and Conditions

The Council intends to update the Private Hire Licensing Policy and Conditions.  The proposed changes have been highlighted in the Policy and Conditions below and brief details are:

1. Vehicles aged between eight years and 10 years (or 15 years if wheelchair accessible vehicle) will not automatically be renewed.  The vehicle must be maintained in an exceptional condition and be inspected by an Authorised Officer who will determine if the vehicle licence will be renewed.  In addition, any vehicle aged between eight years and 10 years (or 15 years if wheelchair accessible vehicle) may have their renewal application refused or their vehicle licence revoked if the vehicle fails its Depot test on any issues which could undermine the public safety objective.

2. Vehicles that have tinted windows that prevent clear vision into the vehicle will not be licensed.  All windows in a private hire vehicle must have a minimum light transmission of 70%.

3.  Internal stickers to be displayed in the back of the vehicle as well as the wind screen.

4.   Vehicles licensed by hire companies will only be issued a licence for a period of 3 months.

5.   Applicants for a private hire driver’s licence will have to demonstrate a good level of English which will be assessed at the initial application appointment.

6.  The knowledge test will include questions on giving the correct change to customers.

7.   New applicants must provide their disability awareness training certificate before a licence is granted.

8.   All drivers must undertake refresher Safeguarding Training every three years.

9.   Online criminal record checks will be carried out every six months.

10.  Any applicant who has lived overseas for more than six months since the age of 18 will be required to submit a certificate of good conduct as part of their application.

11.  The Council will be a member of the National Register of Taxi Licence Refusals and Revocations enabling the Council to carry out a check on new and existing drivers to establish if they have had a licence revoke or refused at another Council.

12.  A private hire operator must demonstrate what steps they take to ensure that drivers remain fit and proper to hold a driver’s licence.  An operator must carry out basic criminal record checks on any booking staff.

13.  A driving history check will be completed on all private hire operators.

14.  The Conviction Policy has been updated and reflects the Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensed Drivers produced by the Institute of Licensing.

More details about the changes can be found in the Policy and Conditions below.  If you would like to make comment on the proposed amendments, please email or write to the Licensing Department at the below address before May 10, 2019.

Draft Private Hire Licensing policy

PHD conditions draft

PHO conditions draft

PHV conditions draft

Any comments received will be duly considered by Members at the Environmental and Development Services Committee due to be held on May 30, 2019.  The amended Policy will come into force on July 1, 2019.

In writing:        South Derbyshire District Council

                        Licensing Department

                        Civic Way



                        DE11 0AH

By email:

By telephone: 01283 595716


The Council intends to review the Charitable Collections Policy introduced in 2016 covering street collections and house to house collections.  The aim of the Policy is to provide guidance to applicants, members of the public and the Licensing Authority.

A copy of the draft Policy is available below with the proposed changes highlighted in the Policy. 

If you would like to make any comments on the draft Policy, please email or write to the Licensing Department at the address below before 15th May 2020:

Licensing Department
South Derbyshire District Council
Civic Way
DE11 0AH

Any comments received will be duly considered by Members at the Environmental and Development Services Committee due to be held in May 2020.