Objecting to an application

Under the Licensing Act 2003, representations (objections) may be submitted which relate to applications for: 

  • A new premises licence or club premises certificate
  • A variation of an existing premises licence or club premises certificate
  • A minor variation of an existing premises licence or club premises certificate
  • A review of an existing premises licence or club premises certificate

Authorised persons, responsible authorities and other persons may submit representations.

How do I make a representation?

The statutory representation period begins the day after we receive a valid application and lasts for 28 days or 10 working days in the case of a minor variation.

All representations must be made in writing and received during this representation period. If you have an objection, please write in, stating your objections and concerns to the address below or by emailing licensing@southderbyshire.gov.uk. Alternatively, you can complete a Licensing Representation Form (doc, 239kb)

South Derbyshire District Council
Civic Offices
Civic Way
DE11 0AH

Representations may be viewed by the applicant or by a representative of the applicant. They may also be read out in public at a Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee hearing. You may request that we withhold some or all your details, however, the withholding of details will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where we believe there to be a genuine and well-founded fear of intimidation. Any person who wishes us to consider withholding their details is advised to contact us prior to submitting any representation.

Representations may be made on behalf of an 'other person' by a representative, for example, an MP, solicitor, or a friend.