Disabled Relocation Grant

To determine eligibility for grant assistance you must own or privately rent your property, and it has been assessed by an occupational therapist or community care worker, who must be satisfied it cannot be reasonably adapted to meet the needs of the disabled person.  

A relocation grant may be available to help you to move to a more suitable home if you meet the qualifying criteria.

An occupational therapist or care worker must be satisfied that any proposed new property meets the needs of the disabled person without further adaptation or that it can be adapted for a reasonable cost.

The amount

The maximum grant available is £10,000. The same means test will apply as for the Disabled Facilities Grant. You can apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant as well as a Relocation Grant but the cost of relocation plus the adaptation works to the new property should not be more than the cost of carrying out adaptation works to your existing property.

If you receive income support or guaranteed pension credit, or you are applying on behalf of a child under the age of 19, you will not need to complete a means test.

Costs covered

The grant can only be used to cover the costs related to moving house, for example:

  • estate agent's fees
  • solicitor's fees
  • removal costs
  • essential utility connection costs
  • deposit for a privately rented property


Disabled Relocation Grants are limited to applicants who own or privately rent their property. The applicants must be assessed by an occupational therapist or care worker.

It is a condition of a Disabled Relocation Grant that the applicant must stay in the new property for five years, otherwise the grant will have to be repaid.

If the means test indicates that the applicant has a contribution to pay, a letter will be sent to the applicant to ascertain whether they wish to continue with their application.