Repairs rights and responsibilities

We are responsible for undertaking most repairs and improvements to your home.

Our aim is to provide all tenants with a decent home and a safe and healthy environment to live in. To help us achieve this, we work in partnership with local and national contractors, together with our own tradesmen.

Before reporting a repair - check your responsibility as a tenant

Repairs that you are responsible for include:

  • replacement toilet sets
  • bathroom/kitchen plugs and chains
  • door bells (unless we have provided the unit)
  • outside door locks if you’ve broken the lock or lost the keys
  • spare keys and washing machine fittings (unless provided by us).

Full details can be found in our list of tenant responsibilities. (pdf, 124kb)

Damage caused by others must be reported to the police first and the crime reference number must be given to our Duty Officer before the repairs are dealt with. 

We will respond to repair requests where damage has been caused accidentally by tenants, such as broken window glass, but the tenant will be recharged or the work.

If you have a query regarding gas or electrical equipment in your home you can report it to Housing Services.