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Virtual Tenants’ Panel

During the pandemic we have not been able to meet face-to-face with tenants, so have been working to find alternative ways to stay connected with you, including sending out text messages, telephoning you and holding virtual meetings.

We have secured 5 tablets from our IT department which we will be handing over to our new Virtual Tenants’ Panel members. This Panel will work in partnership with Housing Services’ Community Engagement Officers to ensure that all tenants have the opportunity to:

  • Engage with us in ways that suit their needs.
  • Have their say on decisions that affect their homes and communities.
  • Help us improve our services by giving us valuable insight and feedback.
  • Scrutinise our performance as a landlord.

If you would like to join the Panel or to find out more, please contact the Community Engagement Team on 07891 071980, or email