Local funding to support local health and wellbeing

The South Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Partnership, funded by Derbyshire County Council Public Health, is pleased to announce that there is locality funding available to support health and wellbeing projects in South Derbyshire.

South Derbyshire District Council are a leading member of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership and are administering the fund as well as being on the funding panel. The Funding Panel membership comprises of a selection of representatives from Active Derbyshire, Public Health, Joined Up Care Derbyshire, South Derbyshire CVS and South Derbyshire District Council (subject to availability).

This funding will support the delivery of the South Derbyshire Healthier Communities Plan which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of local people, with specific focus on community-based health prevention and reducing the number of people who are at risk of and/or living with significant health inequalities.

Applications are invited for projects and initiatives that address one or more of the Healthy South Derbyshire Plan key priority areas:

  • Health inequalities between different communities are reduced.
  • People are supported to move more and become more active in everyday life.
  • People are supported to age well, including those living with dementia and other long-term conditions, and their carers.
  • Improving emotional health and mental wellbeing
  • Emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people
  • Building community responses and resilience to meet life’s challenges.

Applications are invited from not-for-profit groups or organisations, Charities, Trusts, Associations, Clubs, constituted community and voluntary groups, Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs), Parish Councils and Statutory Organisations.

The South Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Partnership would like to work with local organisations to develop projects that work towards addressing health inequalities. Typically, locality funded projects range in size from £5,000 - £10,000 but if your project falls outside this range, please don’t hesitate contact us as we would like to support projects that best meet the needs of the local population. For further information and to receive an application form please contact Claire Reece on Claire.Reece@Derbyshire.gov.uk. The fund is open for applications until the 25 March 2024.

The South Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Partnership are also working closely with South Derbyshire CVS to deliver a small grants scheme. Grants are available up to £1,500 for projects for activities anywhere in South Derbyshire that:

  • Reduce health inequalities between different communities; this means giving everyone the same opportunities to lead a healthy life, no matter where they live or who they are.
  • Support people to live healthy lives including physical and mental wellbeing for example the Five Ways to Wellbeing (Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give).These activities are simple things individuals can do in their everyday lives which have been proven to help improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Support people with dementia to have a good quality of life, retain their independence for as long as possible, and receive the support they need.
  • Support people with other long-term conditions and their carers to have a good quality of life, retain their independence for as long as possible, and receive the support they need.

These grants can support any costs directly involved in making projects happen, and can support community groups, voluntary organisations, Charities, Community Interest Companies or other not-for-profit organisations. There is a rolling deadline for the small grants scheme, with the panel meeting regularly.

For more information head to Grants and Funding | South Derbyshire CVS (sdcvs.org.uk).

To request an application form and guidance document contact South Derbyshire CVS using the contact form Contact Us | South Derbyshire CVS (sdcvs.org.uk)