Wildflower meadow works

South Derbyshire District Council will be commencing seeding to create three new wildflower meadows later this month (September 2022).

The three areas, totalling 3.5 hectares of land, will be sown with wildflower seed with the aim to increase the abundance and diversity of wildflowers at each site. The completed works will improve the habitat for birds, bees, caterpillars, moths, butterflies, grasshoppers and ladybirds.

The three sites earmarked for transformation are the Sandholes in Midway, Old Hall Meadow, off George Street in Church Gresley and Church Gresley Cemetery.

There will be no restrictions to public access at each site during the works, but the Council is asking people to keep to the footpaths to avoid disturbing the seed.

The initiative is part of the Council’s Action Plan for Nature, which was produced in partnership with the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to support nature recovery across South Derbyshire.


  • Sandholes, Midway
  • Old Hall Meadow, Church Gresley
  • Church Gresley Cemetery