Reduce your energy

Whether you own your home or rent it, there are things that you can do?

Is your house hotter than 21ºc? Take the 1ºc challenge with your friends and family!

By turning down the thermostat 1ºc can save you £80 a year and save carbon emissions.

  • Save £75 by spending one minute less in the shower each day!
  • Save £30   Turn your appliances off standby mode
  • Save £35 by replacing your bulbs with energy efficient LEDs
  • Save £35 a year by draught-proofing your house - your doors, letter box – Kits can be purchased from DIY stores!
  • Save £36 by using a wash-up bowl—don’t wash under running water
  • Save 10% on your energy by turning down your thermostat by just 1 degree! Recommended room temperatures are between 18 and 21 degrees.
  • Save by switching to cheaper suppliers by using comparison websites. Choose a Green Energy Tariff? Help the UK reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Save £5 by wash your clothes at a lower temperature = 30 degrees and cut out 1 wash a week
  • Reduce tumble dryer usage – Air drying will save you money
  • Sign up to “Everybodies talking climate change” - Take Action, Save Money | Everybody's Talking (

Citizens Advice has an energy comparison service to help you find the cheapest energy and you can filter by “Green Plans” to help you go Green:

Want more advice on what you can do at home -

Do you own your property? Is it of at a poor at keeping in heat (EPC D or below – click here for more info) and on a low income (less than £31,000 a year per household)? You maybe able to take part in our Local Authority Green Homes scheme to upgrade the energy efficiency of your home – Email for more information

If you are struggling to pay your energy bills in winter or need some advise on how to improve the energy efficiency of your home contact Marches here - Help With Bills and Warmth | Everybody's Talking (