The Ecological Crisis

The UK has seen alarming rates of ecological decline since 1970, with the loss of 133 species and 40% decline in UK species. Most of this decline is a result of human activities and climate change is likely to accelerate this loss.

Climate change also brings with it the potential to harm ecosystems through the loss of species due to habitat change including the introduction of invasive or non-native species. These habitat changes can have negative effects on ecosystems which impact the health and wellbeing of animals, plants and humans.

Learn more about the ecological crises here:


Nature can also provide a natural mitigation and adaption to tackle climate change by improving biodiversity which the Councils is keen to support.

Our Climate and Environmental Strategies and Policies are committed to improving biodiversity across the district with the launch of its Action Plan for Nature (South Derbyshire's Action Plan for Nature ) as well as the Biodiversity themed actions within the South Derbyshire's Climate and Environment Action Plan .

The Council employs a Biodiversity Officer and a Tree officer as part of their commitment to delivering their Action Plan for Nature. The projects that they oversee range from ‘no–mow’ months to identifying and promoting biodiversity net-gain sites through to overseeing tree planting schemes and GIS mapping of the Council’s green spaces and tree cover as part of the tree management plan.

To see more of the exciting projects that the Council is delivering to improve the biodiversity follow this link:

Climate and Biodiversity | South Derbyshire District Council


  • State of Nature Info 2019
  • Loss of biodiversity
  • ecosystems 2