Business compliance and regulation

Fair and effective enforcement is essential to protect the health, safety and interests of the residents, visitors and businesses to South Derbyshire.

We have developed an Enforcement Policy (pdf, 353kb) which provides our officers with a framework they must work within. Any enforcement action taken by our officers should meet the policy, ensuring both fair and consistent decisions are made and that everyone knows the principles we apply.

We publish annual plans which set out how we help businesses in South Derbyshire to comply with food hygiene law (pdf, 380kb) and health and safety law (pdf, 251kb).

The Government also requires us to tell businesses and residents about our service standards (pdf, 203kb) as part of the Regulators Compliance Code.

We are also committed to supporting the Better Business Regulation (BBR) project, a national scheme helping businesses to grow by making regulations easier to access and understand. Our case studies provide examples of the different ways we have helped local businesses prosper: