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Marketing made easy - Wednesday, February 12

marketing marketing

Every small business is different. However, the common secret of successful businesses lies in a solid marketing plan. This workshop will help you take a fresh look at your business and enable you to make your marketing activities more effective. Whether you have an abundance of marketing experience or are quite new to it, this workshop is suitable for all levels of skills.

This session takes place on Wednesday, February 12 at Sharpes Pottery Museum between 9:30am - 4:30pm.

Advertising is just one element of your marketing plans and this workshop will explain and explore all the areas of marketing and show you how you can make the most of this important part of growing your business sales and profits.

Are you working with a small marketing budget? Well, we will help you understand what is available to you free of charge and what is worth considering spending money on that is the right fit for your business. This workshop is thought provoking, fun and interactive, it is a mixture of presentations, discussions and practical hands-on training. You will also take away tools and templates to continue working on towards your goals.

The areas covered include:

Who are your target customers?

  • Understand the principles of targeting your customers
  • Creating and maintaining customer profiles
  • Understand your niche and your advantages over other businesses
  • Exploring market research techniques

Know the elements of the Marketing Mix (The 7 P’s), it is not just about advertising!

  • People
  • Product or Service
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion mix
  • Physical evidence
  • Process

Putting your plans into action

  • Re-thinking the marketing funnel
  • How to measure your performance
  • Marketing Plan Template
  • Marketing Strategy Template
  • Promotional Plan Template

Finally helping you put together your personal Action Plan

This enjoyable training workshop contains a mixture of theory, discussion and practical exercises giving all delegates enhanced skills, knowledge and behaviours in the areas discussed.

Dina Holland, Director, Peak Insight is enthusiastic and passionate about training and coaching and can break down complex business information into simple bite sized pieces in an enjoyable learning environment. She has over 30 years’ experience in business as a Business Owner, Sales & Marketing Senior Manager & Director, Business Teacher, Master Trainer, Learning & Development Assessor and World Host Trainer delivering numerous workshops and mentoring throughout the UK.

This workshop is free for visitor economy businesses based in Derbyshire to attend as it is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through our Developing and Growing the Visitor Economy within Derbyshire project. Attendance will require you to compete an eligibility application form prior to attendance. By booking on to the workshop you are agreeing to attend, should you be unable to attend, failure to cancel your booking within 48 hours of the workshop will result in us invoicing you for £250 + VAT per person; the commercial cost of the session.

The SME form can be found at:

Please complete and return the form to:

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, East Midlands Chamber, Commerce House, Millennium Way, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 8ND no later than 5 days prior to the event to secure your free place.

By booking on to the workshop you are agreeing to attend, should you be unable to attend, failure to cancel your booking within 48 hours of the workshop will result in us invoicing you for £250 + VAT per person; the commercial cost of the session.

More information can be found here.

Click here for more.

17 December 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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