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China: World Manufacturing Convention

Free business workshops Free business workshops

China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and will be the biggest economy in the world in 9 years if current trends continue. Can your business ignore the opportunities this may bring?
The World Manufacturing Convention offers an ideal platform to pursue opportunities in China. The theme of the convention is “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Creativity Embracing the New Era of Manufacturing”, and it covers not only manufacturing and engineering, but also the support services needed for a business to thrive (industrial, environmental, financial, technical etc). This is a significant national level event in China, and the UK’s position as the “Country of Honour” will be leveraged to maximise business matching.

Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils have a long and close relationship with the province of Anhui and the city of Hefei, with a project director based there. These close relationships will be of real benefit to Derbyshire businesses in preparing for the convention.

Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils together with the Midlands Engine and the Department for International Trade are taking a mission to the convention. It will offer the following:

  • Free entry to the World Manufacturing Convention
  • Personalised and pre-arranged business matching with companies in Anhui and at the Convention
  • Before the mission, an introduction programme on the business environment and on operating in China delivered by the China–Britain Business Council (CBBC)
  • Grants for qualifying SMEs of up to £940
  • Specific UK business events to showcase our skills, talents and offering

If you are interested in following up this opportunity, please contact the Department of International Trade West Midlands at:

This event takes place on: 20-23 September 2019

20 August 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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