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Tourism Week ready to give top advice to South Derbyshire businesses

Rosliston Forestry Centre lodge Rosliston Forestry Centre lodge

South Derbyshire’s Tourism and Rural Business Advice Fair is ready to give a helping hand when it comes to its vibrant tourism enterprises.

As part of a week-long event running from March 17 to 25, English Tourism Week has been designed to showcase the quality of visitor experiences and the value the tourism industry brings to the nation.

Tourism businesses or people thinking of starting a business in the sector are invited to attend Sharpe’s Pottery Museum in West Street on Tuesday, March 20 to get some inspiration and advice as well as showcase what they have to offer. Small rural businesses and farmers can also find out more about grants available for business development and food processing.

A leaflet swop and advice on funding, marketing and other assistance is available plus the chance to network with companies in the sector and representatives from a range of support organisations offering top advice, including the South Derbyshire Business Advice Service, East Midlands Chamber and the AA Quality Assessment Scheme.

Gail Archer, Tourist Information Manager for South Derbyshire, said: “We are very fortunate to have some wonderful places to visit and stay right on our doorstep and we were keen to put on an event to celebrate that as part of English Tourism Week.

“The event will be a great opportunity to promote yourself, whether your business is an accommodation provider, a visitor attraction, a food & drink outlet, a retailer or you are an artist or craftsperson.

“It’s all about celebrating the important role tourism plays in both the regional and national economy.”

Tourism is one of the country’s fastest growing sectors with The National Forest bringing new tourism opportunities to businesses in South Derbyshire, such as farmers diversifying to providing B&Bs and holiday cottages.

Tourism in The National Forest already supports more than 4,700 jobs, attracts more than 7.8 million visitors a year and contributes £376 million to the local economy.

The event will take place from 2pm until 7.30pm with the leaflet swop starting earlier from 10.30am.

The event is free and open to anyone to attend with no booking required.

For further information, please contact Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre by calling 01283 222848 or emailing

22 February 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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