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Derbyshire Time Swap

Derbyshire Time Swap Derbyshire Time Swap

Time Swapping (or Time Banking) is a fantastic initiative which allows members of the community to ‘swap’ their time to help somebody else. This support can range from assistance with gardening, to teaching I.T skills, or giving music lessons - the sky is the limit!

In return for this, a member of the community earns back time which they can spend doing something they want to - like learning a new skill or receiving help from another member. Members can even donate time they have accrued to other members if they wish. Time is the only currency used.

Time Swap isn’t just for individuals though - organisations and groups can also get involved.

Needless to say, Time Banking presents tremendous benefits across the entire community.

Derbyshire Time Swap is a fantastic and unique way of helping the community, one hour at a time!

Learn more and get in touch by visiting or by calling South Derbyshire CVS on 01283 219761.

15 September 2023

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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