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Large fine for fly tipper

Fly tip Fly tip

A man from Derby has pleaded guilty of three incidents of fly tipping which took place on quiet country lanes and farming land near Swarkestone in South Derbyshire in Summer 2021.

Russell Thornton, formerly of Sitwell Street, Derby was sentenced at Southern Derby Magistrates Court for the three offences. He received a fine of £2,000 and was ordered to pay a £190 victim surcharge plus £1,055.52 prosecution costs – a total fine of £3,245.52.

Council officers spotted the fly tipped waste on a routine patrol. The material consisted of construction, household, and food waste. The officers quickly identified similar material in three different locations.

Investigations identified that the material had come from a property in Derby which had been recently renovated. It was established that the owner of the property had paid Thornton to dispose of the waste. 

Thornton repeatedly provided false information to Investigating Officers and failed to turn up for interviews. Officers were eventually able to trace him to his employer’s address. Thornton had also used his employer’s vehicle to transport and dump the waste.

Matthew Holford, the Council’s Head of Environmental Services said: “The Council has remained focused on stopping fly tipping for the last four years. We know that it causes a blight on our countryside and causes huge costs to our farming community.

“The case demonstrates that Council and its officers are totally committed to stamping this out. It also shows that we’re willing to get on the front foot to help farmers and landowners.

“Once again it shows how important it is for anybody who disposes of waste to make sure that it’s being handled by a legitimate waste disposal contractor. All proper businesses collecting waste should have a Waste Carriers Licence. To check if a waste carrier is licensed, you can telephone 08708 506 506 or check online.”

28 April 2023

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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