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Name the new gully tanker

gully tanker gully tanker

South Derbyshire District Council has taken delivery of their brand-new gully tanker and is looking for ideas to name the new vehicle.

The £160,000 tanker is the latest investment and piece of equipment the Street Cleaning Team have at their disposal. The gully tanker is fitted with a sludge breaker and vacuum pump for simultaneous debris collection, high pressure jetting pumps and the latest high-tech equipment that helps keep gully’s and pipework clean of debris - which helps prevent flooding and other disruptions.

The brand-new tanker replaces the need to hire vehicles, which in the long term will make the job significantly more economical.

To celebrate the new vehicle, the Council wants to name the vehicle and is asking for suggestions from South Derbyshire residents. The winning name will be sign written on the vehicle, with the winner invited for a personal photoshoot with the Council’s new tanker along with its newly installed name!

To put your suggestions to the Street Clean Team please email: All you need to do is provide your first name, age, location and your suggested name for the new gully tanker. A decision will be announced by 30 November 2022.

The competition is open to all age groups living in the District.  

25 October 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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