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Earth Overshoot Day

earth overshoot earth overshoot

Earth Overshoot Day is the day each year when it is estimated that human activity has used all the biological resources that the planet can regenerate during one year and the Council is using this day to highlight awareness and its new advice page.

28 July has been calculated to be Earth Overshoot Day for 2022. This sounds overwhelming, but we can all help to make next year’s overshoot day later in the year.

South Derbyshire District Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 and has been working hard since then to find ways to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental improvements. A recent carbon reduction progress report on the Council’s own emissions shows that they have reduced by 21.5% since 2019.

The Council’s current Climate and Environment Action Plan was rated as one of the best in the UK by Climate Emergency UK, and the Council will shortly be publishing an updated Plan to further extend our ambitions to make positive change.

Current estimates suggest that about 24% of all carbon emissions in South Derbyshire are produced from heating and lighting all the homes in the District – roughly 170,000 tonnes of CO2 a year. This is something we can all help to change.

The Council has recently produced a new Domestic Energy Efficiency webpage which aims to provide a one stop shop for our residents to improve domestic energy efficiency and combat the escalating risk of fuel poverty.

Councillor Steve Taylor, Chair of the Environment and Development Service Committee said: “There is already a huge amount of advice and support available both locally and nationally.

“The webpage has tried to bring all of this together in one place to allow anybody in South Derbyshire to access services and resources which fit their need – whether they are in financial crisis due to fuel costs or are well off and looking to invest in their home.

“The webpage provides links to home energy advice that costs nothing as well as sources of grants and financial support to make domestic energy improvements.”


26 July 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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