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Council approves changes to Council Tax Reduction Scheme

Council Tax Council Tax

Councillors have approved changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age South Derbyshire residents on a low income.

The changes were approved at the council meeting on 23 February and will see:

  • The introduction of a banded income scheme making it easier for people to understand how much they are eligible to claim
  • The removal of the baseline, so those on the lowest incomes would no longer need to pay 8.5 per cent or 10 per cent towards their Council Tax
  • The removal of the second adult rebate
  • The introduction of a standard £5 deduction for non-dependant adults living at the same address
  • From 1 April, anyone awarded Universal Credit will automatically be considered for a Council Tax reduction
  • The introduction of a minimum award of £1 for a Council Tax reduction
  • Changes to bring the scheme into line with recent changes to other welfare benefits.

Councillor Kevin Richards, South Derbyshire District Council’s Leader, said: “The new Council Tax reduction scheme will make it quicker and simpler for working age people on low incomes to claim for a reduction in their Council Tax payment. It will also better support our residents on the very lowest incomes, who will be able to claim up to a 100 per cent discount under the new scheme.”

“Overall, we believe these changes will make the scheme fairer and easier to use, and have been introduced following a wide consultation held between November 2021 and January 2022.

A discretionary fund will be created to support any claimants who are disproportionately affected.

The Council Tax support scheme for those of pension age is a national scheme and is not affected by these proposals.

For full details on the changes, please visit:

25 February 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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