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New and exciting series of events set for Swadlincote Town Centre this Christmas

Christmas lights Christmas lights

Residents and visitors can expect to see a fun-filled programme of Christmas events in Swadlincote this year led by South Derbyshire District Council.

The plans will see events on weekends in the lead up to Christmas, rather than just on one night, including: live entertainment, free give-aways, Christmas-themed market stalls, and arts and crafts.

Swadlincote will play host to Christmas entertainment never before seen in the town centre including seasonal films and shows, festive characters to entertain visitors, and a sculpture trail for all the family to explore.

Swadlincote’s Christmas lights will bring extra festive sparkle and shine to the town centre with many new and replacement decorations over an extended period from the middle of November through to early January.

Retailers will be encouraged to participate in a best dressed window competition. People will be able to take part in a public vote online to find the winner.

Councillor Kevin Richards, South Derbyshire District Council’s Leader, said: “I’m very excited about the events we have planned over the Christmas period this year.

“There will be something on offer for all ages and that the family can come together and enjoy.”

The events have been made possible thanks to funding from the Welcome Back Fund. The Council has received a share of £56 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support the safe return of shoppers and visitors to the area’s town centres.

Councillor Richards added: “By offering many more Christmas activities over a longer period, we hope to attract more people to safely visit Swadlincote from November to January and encourage them to support our local traders and businesses.

“Our priority is to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all the family to be able to experience and enjoy an extended celebration of the festive period.”

Further details will be announced over the coming weeks.

The Welcome Back Fund has already supported local events including the Melbourne Festival – helping with equipment and promotion to increase footfall. The Fund can also provide COVID-19 signage and social distancing measures in public spaces, and is currently backing South Derbyshire’s COVID Marshall service.


European Regional Development Fund

The Welcome Back Fund has been established to support and promote the safe and successful reopening of the public environment for local trade and tourism, including running publicity campaigns and assisting with events that will boost footfall and encourage people back into the high streets and thereby supporting local businesses.

The programme includes a series of projects, which will be part-funded up to the

HM Government

total value of the funding (£190,838), from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit

1 October 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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