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First Green Flag Award for community project in South Derbyshire

Cllrs ,staff and volunteers celebrating award Cllrs ,staff and volunteers celebrating award

A community project in South Derbyshire has received a prestigious Community Green Flag Award for the first time.

Croft Orchard in Overseal has received the prestigious award, which recognises quality parks and green spaces, from the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy.

The orchard was formerly a meadow that had been partially developed for housing.

The award recognises the work of local volunteers to maintain the area, which was planted with 31 trees and public footpaths across the site were surfaced to encourage access all around the year.

The project funded by Overseal Parish Council, South Derbyshire District Council and the National Forest. Trees in the orchard were planted in 2014 and 2015 to commemorate those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars.

Councillor Gordon Rhind, Chair of South Derbyshire District Council’s Housing and Community Services Committee, said: “It’s wonderful to see the work of the community volunteers who maintain Croft Orchard recognised for all their hard work.

“Hopefully this will be the first of many Community Green Flag Awards – we are more than happy to work with and support other parish councils and community groups to create and maintain green spaces in South Derbyshire.”

Dr Mark Knight of Overseal Parish Council added: “We are excited and proud to have achieved the high standard required to win the Green Flag Community Award for our community orchard and be the first village in South Derbyshire to be recognised in this way.

“Overseal’s Croft Orchard was created through a collaborative partnership between local authorities and the village community, and this award is a recognition of this remarkably successful approach, with volunteer and community input every step of the way.”

15 October 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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