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Candidates standing in Derbyshire County Council elections on Thursday 6 May

elections 2019 elections 2019

Residents in South Derbyshire will have the opportunity to vote for the councillors who will represent them on Derbyshire County Council for the next four years.
Candidates standing in the elections are:
Aston electoral division

  • Neil Kenneth Atkin (CON)
  • Alan Wayne Graves (REF)
  • John Hills (LD)
  • Caroline Elizabeth Scott (GRN)
  • Iain Wilson (LAB)

Etwall and Repton electoral division

  • Amanda Jayne Baker (GRN)
  • Martyn Ford (CON)
  • Stephen James Hardwick (LD)
  • John Campbell McCallum (LAB)

Hilton electoral division

  • Grahame Warwick ANDREW (LD)
  • Julie Therese Jackson (LAB)
  • Julie Elizabeth Patten (CON)
  • Martin WALL (GRN)

Linton electoral division

  • Dan Pegg (LAB)
  • Stuart Thomas Swann (CON)
  • Amy Wheelton (IND)

Melbourne electoral division

  • Jane Dunster Carroll (LAB)
  • David Colin Du Celliee Muller (Con)
  • Thomas John James (LD)
  • Jonathan Wood (GRN)

Swadlincote Central electoral division

  • Sylvia Ann Dearing (GRN)
  • Alan Mercer Jones (LAB)
  • Gary Stephen Musson (CON)

Swadlincote North electoral division

  • Sean Andrew Bambrick (LAB)
  • Peter Henry Smith (CON)

Swadlincote South electoral division

  • Jude Boynton (GRN)
  • Louise Ann Mulgrew (LAB)
  • Roger Redfern CON)

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 6 May.
There may be queues at the polling stations as everyone voting in person will be asked to maintain social distancing measures including:

  • To wear a face covering at all times unless medically exempt
  • To bring along a pen or pencil to vote
  • To remain two metres apart from other people at all times.

Derbyshire County Council is responsible for providing services including: education, highways, libraries, children’s services and adult social care.

4 May 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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