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New Leader for South Derbyshire District Council

Councillor Kevin Richards Councillor Kevin Richards

Councillor Kevin Richards (Labour) has become Leader of South Derbyshire District Council following a vote at a council meeting held last week (Thursday 14 January).

Councillor Richards represents the Newhall and Stanton ward and was first elected as a councillor in 1997.

On taking up the role of Leader, Councillor Richards said: “What an enormous privilege and honour it is to be trusted with the position of Leader of the Council and I am deeply conscious of the responsibility and expectations needed for such office.”

Councillor Richards replaces Councillor Martyn Ford (Conservative) as Leader.

Councillor Ford remains a councillor representing Willington and Findern ward.

The Council now consists of 15 Labour councillors, 12 Conservative councillors, five Independent Group councillors and one councillor not belonging to a political group. There are also currently three vacancies for councillors.

19 January 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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