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Another free tree triumph

Tree Planting Tree Planting

The Free Tree Giveaway ran between lockdowns at the end of 2020 and saw 30 community groups, schools and local businesses take advantage, along with 570 residents, who received Alder buckthorn, hazel, spindle and rowan trees.

Council staff managed the giveaway events on 3rd and 5th December with great support from residents who came prepared with their own bags and wearing their masks to enable the event to go ahead safely.

Commenting on the events, Environmental Development Manager, Kate Allies said: “I would like to say a big thank you to all of the people who came for their trees, despite Covid! A special mention should also go to residents of Findern and Aston-on-Trent who co-ordinated applications and pick-ups to minimise travel and to maximise the positive impact of tree planting in the villages and the Aston Brickyard Plantation and Findern sites.”

Many residents have sent pictures of recent and more established #freetreescheme trees which can be seen on the ‘Environmental Education project at Rosliston Forestry Centre’ Facebook page.

Plans are already underway for the 2021 giveaway – the 21st Free Tree scheme – with applications set to open in mid to late Sept 2021. Find out more here

Since it was launched in 2001 around 10,500 trees have been planted around the District.

Councillor Andrew MacPherson, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council’s Environmental and Development Services Committee, said: “The Free Tree Scheme continues to go from strength to strength thanks to the tremendous efforts of our committed team at the Council and the fantastic support of individual residents, community groups and schools. The total number of trees planted over the last 20 years represents a significant achievement both in terms of enhancing the landscape and contributing a multitude of benefits to our environment.

  • Picture caption - Free tree planning underway at Aston Brickyard Planation

14 January 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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