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Improved service for British Sign Language users

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Customers of South Derbyshire District Council who use British Sign Language (BSL) will benefit from the Council’s new partnership with SignLive.

The SignLive service allows BSL users to video call a SignLive interpreter, who will then call the Council on their behalf, enabling customers who use BSL to have equal access to in-person telephone tailored services, advice and information.

British Sign Language involves the use of hand movements, gestures, body language and facial expressions to communicate. It is predominantly used by people who are either deaf or have a hearing impairment.

SignLive gives British Sign Language users independence by allowing them to make telephone calls confidently to hearing people through fully qualified BSL interpreters. All of SignLive BSL interpreters are highly experienced and every interpreter is screened and vetted.

Councillor Dr Robert Pearson, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council’s Finance and Management Committee said: “We are committed to delivering on our equality agenda and always looking for ways to make our services more open and accessible to all, and this is a fantastic example of how we are doing that.

“The SignLive partnership will ensure that customers who are users of British Sign Language will be able to access a more personal and friendly service from our teams with the aid of a video interpreter.

“This service is free to use to the customer, and we hope it will help even more people to access they help and support they need in a way they want it and to feel connected.”

A video promoting the service has been developed: To access the service, customers need to visit

15 February 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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