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Still time to join the COVID-safe scheme

farm shop farm shop

South Derbyshire District Council launched its ‘Let’s be COVID-safe together’ shop-with-confidence scheme last month with over 60 businesses taking part and is inviting remaining local businesses to get involved.

The scheme is free and designed to support local businesses by providing visible reassurance to the public that their business is following Government guidelines to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

The Council recognised lockdowns have had a major impact on local businesses and consumer confidence. The initiative is part of a number of measures, which include The Snowman and The Snowdog sculpture trail, to entice shoppers back to the high street.

Following the successful launch and positive reaction from shoppers, the Council is urging further businesses from right across the District to sign up to the scheme.

The scheme highlights a COVID compliant business by issuing a visible certificate of conformity. This display certificate sets out expectations for customers and reinforces central Government’s safety messages.

Councillor Kevin Richards, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council said: “The COVID-safe scheme has got off to a great start and it has been well received by shoppers.

“Since the launch it is has become mandatory to wear a face covering in shops and a new variant has been identified. So, it’s even more important for businesses to give a reassuring sign that they are following the latest Government advice - especially in the important build up to Christmas.

“If a business has not signed up, I would urge them to get involved – it’s very simple to do and not an onerous task. It will let your customers know you are doing everything you can to keep them safe.”

If your business would like to join the scheme, please email: to find out more.


Pictured - Tori and Ben's Farm Shop, Melbourne (participants in the ‘Let’s be COVID-safe together’ scheme) with Tori Stanley (owner) and Ian Stockwell (local Covid Marshal for South Derbyshire District Council). 

8 December 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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