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South Derbyshire to enter tier 3 COVID-19 restrictions from 2 December

Tier 3 Very High poster Tier 3 Very High poster

South Derbyshire along with the rest of Derbyshire and Derby City is to be under level 3 COVID-19 restrictions when the current national restrictions end on 2 December.

From Wednesday 2 December this will mean:

  • People must not meet socially indoors or in most outdoor places with anybody they do not live with, or who is not in your support bubble - including any private garden or at most outdoor venues
  • People must not socialise in a group of more than six in some other outdoor public spaces, including parks in South Derbyshire
  • Hospitality settings, such as bars (including shisha venues), pubs, cafes and restaurants are closed – they are permitted to continue sales by takeaway, click-and-collect, drive-through or delivery services
  • Hotels, B&Bs, campsites, and guest houses must close.
  • Indoor entertainment and tourist venues must close
  • Leisure and sports facilities may continue to stay open, but group exercise classes (including fitness and dance) should not go ahead. Saunas and steam rooms should close
  • No public attendance at spectator sport or indoor performances and large business events should not be taking place.
  • Large outdoor events (performances and shows) should not take place, with the exception of drive-in events
  • Places of worship remain open, but people must not attend with or socialise with  anyone outside of your household or support bubble while you are there, unless a legal exemption applies
  • Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on the number of attendees – 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions are not allowed, 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies, 15 people can attend linked commemorative events
  • Organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue, however higher-risk contact activity should not take place
  • Organised indoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes cannot take place indoors. There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s
  • People can continue to travel to venues or amenities which are open, but should aim to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible
  • Avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through other areas as part of a longer journey
  • For international travel see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel advice for your destination and the travel corridors list.

Council offices will remain closed to members of the public. People can find the answers to the majority of their queries at or by calling 01283 595795.

The Government has announced that the rules will be reviewed on 16 December.

Any updates will be provided on the Council’s website and on its Facebook and Twitter feeds.

26 November 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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